My Seeds!

Recently I underwent oral surgery and while I was under the influence of some powerful medication, my wonderful hubby managed to sneak out into the garage to build this seed starting shelf that I had hinted about.

It has four shelves to hold seed trays, I have only started two trays because I need two more lights. I purchased two grow lights, although I have read that the cheap shop lights work just as well. I made reflectors out of cardboard and covered them in foil. I think I should apply some bottom heat to help speed along the germination process. I have never gone this deep into starting seeds before. Usually I start them in a sunny location and end up with skinny seedlings, but I long to have the husky seedlings that I see in the nurseries. If anyone has any advice or tips I would love to hear them!


Heather said…
Looks great! I would really love to do something similar. Our growing season is long enough but would benefit from earlier starts on some things. Best of luck. I look forward to reading more as they grow.
Gardeness said…
That is fabulous. I'm showing this to my dear spousal unit since I too have been hinting about having a mini greenhouse. I also want to get grow lights for my lanky seedlings. Thanks for mentioning shop lights work well too. Seriously, I never thought I'd be so stoked over seeds! Hope you're recovering quickly!
F Cameron said…
What a thoughtful thing for your husband to build for you. Hope you've recovered from your surgery. I'm just a newbie to seed starting myself, so I have no advice. It looks like you're off to a good start.

Machelle said…
Heather,Gardeness and Cameron,
thanks for stopping in and looking at my seed setup. I just hope it goes well. I would really like to master this seed starting thing, it has always been such a challenge to me that sometimes I find myself almost too afraid to even try. Isn't that silly?
Yes, my hubby is so great about helping me out in my garden adventures.
tina said…
Hi Machelle, Hope the surgery went well. Your husband is a real keeper. I use two 48" shop lights per shelf. It works like a charm, no reflectors needed, just the standard light. There is something about the wave lengths that works best with at least 48" long lights. I also apply heat via a heat mat, but most seeds germinate without it, just takes a bit longer. Good luck with starting your seeds.
Jan said…
Hi Machelle, Hope you've recovered from your surgery...mouth-stuff can be painful, but usually heals rather quickly.

I've started some seed trays myself. I still haven't posted photos but intended to do it today. I've been too busy visiting bloggers and seeing what's going on elsewhere!

I hope you'll enjoy your mini-greenhouse...from the looks of things, you already are!
MyKidsMom said…
I am so jealous. I've been doing a little research for a small greenhouse myself. That seems very doable. Thanks for the pics. Is it outside and do you have a cover for it?
Can't wait to learn more.

Pepper in Ok
spookydragonfly said…
What a thoughtful husband! I have no advise for you, anytime I started seeds, they ended up stragley looking. Good luck, I'm looking forward to your progress.
Anonymous said…
What a wonderful set up your hubby made for you. I know your seedlings will turn out well.

Always Growing
Chandramouli S said…
I've never had luck growing seeds indoors. I tried it last year and none of them germinated. I gave up and thought - "What the heck, the sun's almost always out there, so why bother?" But the challenge with germinating them outdoors is to keep the soil wet always. The pots dry out quickly! I think your setup should work fine. Good luck!
Chandramouli S said…
Are you up and walking now? Hope you're well. Take care
Lona said…
I just love your new seed starting station. He did a terrific job with it, fitting it in. We want to see what you are growing later. Hope you are feeling better, even after the surgery drugs wore off :)
Machelle said…
Tina, where did you ever find a heat mat? the only ones I found were online.
Jan, I am looking forward to seeing your pics.I too love seeing what all the other garden bloggers are doing.
Pepper, I have the seeds out in my garden shed,so I HAVE to remember to go out and check them daily.yesterday, I forgot. lol
Spooky, Yes he is thoughtful, I am lucky. I can't wait to see the sprouts coming up.
Jan, thanks for stopping in and I really hope they do well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Chandramouli,you are right about the sun and I may decide the same thing if these don't do well.LOL
I'm doing fine now,thanks.
Lona,Thanks for visiting,and I am much better now. I will post the progress of my little seedlings.
Sunita Mohan said…
Oral surgery? Sounds painful! It was so wonderful of your husband to cheer you up with this great gift! I bet you forgot all about pain when you saw it ;)
Take care... and enjoy your seed starter.
Jan said…
Hi Machelle, just checking to see how your new heat mat is working:) It doesn't look as if you really need, you have such a perfect set-up! Mine are going to be taking up spaces in my house that we usually need to 'live' in!! But it's fun--if I don't succeed at the seed trial I'll have at least tried it out!!
Anonymous said…
Hey Machelle,
Your seed house looks good.De done a great job on it.You need to be a little nicer to
I liked my seeds you gave me and the grow kit.
love you
your sis.
Machelle said…
Hey Lil Sis,
I really enjoyed our visit yesterday, and I am so glad that you are now feeding the birds and had your yard certified. Thanks for finally visiting the Toadshed!
Randy Emmitt said…
Great looking seed stand. Your hubby must be a pretty good carpenter.

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