Blogs Blogs and More Blogs
Today is a regular off day for me so I decided to head on over to Blotanical and see whats been going on. I have met so many kind gardeners there, and everyone has something to share, so many helpful ideas and tips to use in the garden. It seems every day several more new garden blogs appear, and this is a good thing. It means that people are searching for something more, that they feel a desire to get back to nature and all that this wonderful earth offers us. We get so caught up in the day to day grind that we have somehow forgotten along the way what it is to relax and do things that we enjoy. Gardening is such a rewarding form of relaxation. Now I didn't say that there is no labor involved, because I am here to tell you that you will get your workout, hauling dirt and rocks, compost and mulch. Not to mention all of those plants that you just bought, you will probably at the least make 3-4 trips around the garden trying to decide the perfect spot. Then you have to dig all of th...