Dewaynes Birthday

Today was Dewayne's birthday, he is an Electrical Superintendent and he loves tools. I thought this would be easy enough, so off to Home Depot my Mom and I went. Easy! What was I thinking? First, I HAD to go through the garden center, I HAD to have several plants, then I had to get some organic spray for Susie and, of course, a gardening magazine. You would have thought it was my birthday! I then proceeded to the tool aisle and every tool I spotted, he has. I wandered around so long my mom finally left and went outside to wait. I settled on an assortment of things such as a tool bag,measuring tape,gloves and a level. I was looking for a big, long torpedo level. It wasn't until later that I learned the torpedo levels are the small ones. Hey! I'm a gardener, not an electrician, ok.


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